Untitled, So Urgent oo0

February 2019, crazinisT artisT studiO  Kumasi.

This is a project I developed in collaboration with Constantin VonRosenschild artist from Paris , France at perfocraZe International ArtistResidency ( pIAR ) January/February edition Kumasi . Which I participated in, an incubation hub which allows artists both local and international studio space for one month to research and develop their own project. 

In a group exhibition titled So Urgent oooo which allows audience and community interaction with our final project. The work is an installation of miniature coffins carved out of wood with termites feeding on a piece of dead wood in a rectangular glass house and a video installation of a host of termites who are constantly working through teamwork on their architectural structure. The work mimics funerals, the rite of passage in relation to life and death and rituals of decay and evidence of time, space and history . Also the interconnection between our modern and developing cities as an influence from nature, history and other special creatures who share with us the same environment. The issue of how human society relates to each other due to differences in our social cultural background, nature and its inhabitants .